I can't take things like this on a Monday morning. Granted, it ran on Friday night. I didn't peek at it until now though.
"Twilight" isn't anything new on this blog. Hollywood Crush handles most of the heavy lifting in that regard now, but I still cover the Stephenie Meyer franchise when it seems relevant to the larger world of movies. Frankly though, I'm not sure who today's Daily TwitPic is relevant to.
British rock & roll group Motorhead has been around since the mid-'70s, but there's been only one constant in the band: bassist, singer, songwriter and founder Ian Fraser Kilmister, a man known to most of the world as Lemmy. A rock god personified. I'm not sure what brought him and "Eclipse" actor BooBoo Stewart together for the photo op after the jump, but it is an undeniably bizarre sight.
Also, can I be the first to say that "Breaking Dawn" should open with "Orgasmatron" playing over it?

Remember to check out Brian Warmoth's Twitter-Wood column every day for an early jump on your Daily TwitPic.